A number of articles have been written about Prince since his transformation that discussed his mix of faith and music, but they lack the depth, honestly, raw beauty, and unashamed love he had for his (our) Creator. The articles I read, which were not exhaustive so forgive me if I missed something, focused on the “ying and yang” of his relationship with his sexuality and his faith. Certainly interesting, but I have to admit that I found his ability to weave God, Jesus, love, and the after-world into secular music and arts, in a way that didn’t make non-religious people flinch, awe-inspiring. Another writer who mastered this tapestry of sultry poetry and faith is Sufi poet Rumi.
…his ability to weave God, Jesus, love, and the afterworld into secular music and arts, in a way that didn’t make non-religious people flinch, awe-inspiring
It has taken me months of quiet contemplation and various
stages of grief to finally put my thoughts together regarding how the artist
Prince - because he’s way more than simply a musician - and Sufi poet Rumi unify
God and love. They both presented romantic love and spiritual worship as a
fluid, wonderful unification for everyone, regardless of religion affiliation, to
honor and love God…and themselves. (However, Rumi's writings were solely about God though.) Both compose words that are picturesque,
beautiful, and even haunting. You feel them. They penetrate you. They speak to
the Him in you. They can make you feel
whole or beautiful or heard or less alone. Their words make you feel loved.
…They can make you feel whole or beautiful or heard or less alone. Their words make you feel loved.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mevlana Rumi,
he’s a “13th century Muslim saint and Anatolian mystic known throughout the
world for his exquisite poems and words of wisdom, which have been translated
into many languages. Rumi, as he is known in the west, is the bestselling poet
in USA. The United Nations declared 2007 The Year of Rumi and celebrations were
held worldwide.” (Learn more about him by visiting: http://mevlana.net/.)
Rumi’s poems are filled with burning love, beauty and devotion. Many are
written as if they were meant for one lover to another, and they were…from the
lover of God to his beloved, God. One of
my favorite passages (and most famous) is:
The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,
they’re in each other all along.
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,
they’re in each other all along.
Can I get an amen?! Imagining the love of romantic
partner when reading the passage makes it feel real…tangible. Knowing that it’s
about God makes it absolutely beautiful! Don’t sleep on Rumi. His words tell
stories, ignite feelings, explain thoughts, and convey messages. As I mentioned
before, Prince does the exact same thing in his music and lyrics. Contrary to popular
belief, Prince started merging secular and religious messaging early in his
career. I could write a dissertation using song lyrics he wrote and sang about
his devotion to God, but I’d chose to simply highlight a few of my favorites
with the hopes that you’ll revisit his music and really listen to (re)discover
what you may’ve missed.
Contrary to popular belief, Prince started merging secular and religious messaging early in his career.
Let’s start with Controversy. Prince recited the entire Lord’s Prayer in the album version on the title song. He also talked about the
anti-Christ, as discussed by many fans/listeners, in the song “Annie
Christen,” making the song's character the cause many negative activities, such as
Lennon’s death and the deaths of children in Atlanta in his story.
Annie Christian
wanted to be number one
But her kingdom
never comes, thy will be done
She couldn't stand
the glory, she would be second to none
The way Annie tells
the story, she's his only son
Annie Christian
wanted to be a big star
So she moved to
Atlanta and she bought a blue car
She killed black
children, and what's fair is fair
If you try and say
you're crazy, everybody say electric chair
Electric chair
When Prince first gained mass appeal, who would’ve
thought this gorgeous, talented Black man with flowing, blown out hair and
wearing bikini underwear, suspenders, a scarf, and heavy eyeliner would make
you want to drop to your knees to pray to the Most High? But he did! On the album 1999, he declared is love of God
by rapping, “I’m in love with God/He’s the only way/You and I know we gotta die
someday,” at the end of his song “Let’s Pretend We’re Married.”
In the movie Purple Rain, fans watched the story of love,
passion, pain, confliction, and fear that features a soundtrack that made us
dance and weep and sing. Do you remember the “I Would Die 4 U” lyrics?
I’m not your lover
I’m not your friend
I am something that
you never comprehend
No need to worry to
need to cry
I’m your messiah
and you’re the reason why
Cuz You
I would die for
I sang that song imagining a romantic love that was
beyond comprehension. I love it! Prince, on the other hand, could have imagined
people knowing and loving the Lord Jesus. Yeah, “I Would Die for You” may
have been a gospel song. Let’s not forget that on “Darling Nikki,” another
song on the same album, you can hear Prince honoring God if you played the end of
the song backward (on the album, of
course). The weird chiming and yelping was really Prince talking about God.
Yeah. He did that too.
Prince’s references to faith, God, Jesus, and love were
in everything he did. Think about his movie Graffiti Bridge. It was simply about trusting God. Watch it using that lens of truth, and the story will make a lot more sense to you. Another
example is, while touring, he would have the audience sing lyrics from his LoveSexy
album, “Love is God. God is love.
Boys and girls love God above,” with him over and over again. I don’t think
he did it for selfish reasons. I think he just wanted people to heal themselves
spiritually using the tools he used…music and the love of God.
Below are just a few
Prince songs that reference God, Jesus, or biblical teachings:
- "The Cross" - Sign ‘O’ the Times (1987)
Don't cry for He is coming
Don't die without knowing the cross
Don't die without knowing the cross
- "The Ladder" – Around the World in a Day (1985) – the
entire song but…
Everybody's looking 4 the ladder
Everybody wants salvation of the soul
Everybody wants salvation of the soul
- "My Name is Prince" – Love Symbol (1992)
In the beginning God made the sea
But on the 7th day he made me
He was tryin' to rest y'all when He heard the sound
Sound like a guitar cold gettin' down
I tried to bust a high note, but I bust a string
My God was worried 'til he heard me sing
- "The Holy River" – Emancipation (1996)
Let's go down 2 the holy river
If we drown then we'll be delivered (Yes we will)
If we drown then we'll be delivered (Yes we will)
- "Savior" – Emancipation (1996)
(Can't U see we're like) We're like 2 petals from the same flower, baby
We're like 2 branches from the same tree
(2 drops of water from the same sea)
Whenever I look in your eyes, I can see a paradise
U're my saviour, U're all I...
U're my saviour, U're all I ever...
U're my saviour, U're all I ever need (Saviour)
Saviour, U're all I ever need
We're like 2 branches from the same tree
(2 drops of water from the same sea)
Whenever I look in your eyes, I can see a paradise
U're my saviour, U're all I...
U're my saviour, U're all I ever...
U're my saviour, U're all I ever need (Saviour)
Saviour, U're all I ever need
- "Welcome to the
Dawn" – The Truth (1997)
When the light of God
is the only thing in life that will redeem
Welcome, welcome 2 the dawn
is the only thing in life that will redeem
Welcome, welcome 2 the dawn
Whenever I was sorry, so sorry for the things I used to do
A journal full of numbers that I used to go through
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) all behind me now, all because of you
A journal full of numbers that I used to go through
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) all behind me now, all because of you
- "The Word" – 3121 (2006)
Get up, come on let’s do something, come on girl, let's get saved
- "Colonized Mind" –LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)
Without God, it’s the blind leading the blind
- "Breakdown" – Art Official Age (2014)
(By the way, Prince
stated that this was his favorite song on the album, while being interviewed by
Arsenio Hall..
Every book I've read said that I would meet somebody like you
Whenever I was sorry, so sorry for the things I used to do
A journal full of numbers that I used to go through
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) all behind me now, all because of you
Whenever I was sorry, so sorry for the things I used to do
A journal full of numbers that I used to go through
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) all behind me now, all because of you
- "Way Back Home" – Art Official Age (2014)
Most people in this world are born dead
But I was born alive
I was born with this dream
With a dream outside my head
That I could find my way back home
My my way way back home
But I was born alive
I was born with this dream
With a dream outside my head
That I could find my way back home
My my way way back home
The steps U take are no easy road
But the reward is great
4 those who want 2 go
As I mentioned before, a dissertation can be written about
the artistic genius who is Prince Rodgers Nelson. I sincerely hope theologians,
music teachers, writers, poets, and psychologists study him and share their discoveries
with the world. What the public generally hears from his catalog and sees is just the
tip of the iceberg.
His live performances, lesser-known songs, monologues, and
more can be found on YouTube (for now). Do yourself a favor. Dig in the
“crates.” Listen for yourself. For those of you who do not understand our (his
fans) grief after his transition, you will. You’ll also realize what was lost,
and why Prince will never be replaced or forgotten. He’s in our DNA. He
provided the soundtrack for every feeling we’ve ever (and will ever) experienced.
He helped us recognize that we are, indeed, one - not just Christians - all of
us. He wholeheartedly welcomed us into his world - without judgment or fear. He
taught us to be brave and to live our own truths.
Prince even left listeners a song on his Truth CD
entitled “Comeback” that helps us to grieve more easily.
Walking up the stairs
Just the afternoon
Sweet wind blew
Not a moment to soon
(Hoo) I cry when I realized
That sweet wind was you
Spirits come and spirits go
Some stick around for the after show
Don't have to say I miss you (don't have to say I miss
Cause I think you already know
If you ever lose someone
Dear to you
Never say the words their gone
They'll come back, yeah
Thankfully his music, life lessons, artistry live on, not
just for his current fans to enjoy, but for generations to come.
We, the Rainbow
Children, who "go about the work of building a new nation" with
"accurate understanding of God and his laws," (https://www.princevault.com/index.php?title=Album:_The_Rainbow_Children) invite you to engage and join us.
Welcome to the Dawn.
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